## About "Project" ##
Little PowerShell script that installs most of the windows programs I use.
Working on getting it to setup more of the env as well
based on:
Shoutout to:
[ankokudaishogun](https://www.reddit.com/user/ankokudaishogun/) for being a
HUGE help
## Usage ##
### FIRST ###
Run `winget search`
### Second ###
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://git.theflyingfool.com/theflyingfool/Win_Setup/raw/branch/main/setup.ps1'))"
You'll get 5 menu options. Use the ones that make sense.
## Planned Features ##
* Install NFS Client features
* Map my typical network driver?
* Create SSH KEY
* Start SSH Agent
* Open notepad with instructions to where to put ssh key, possibly log as well?
* .alias file created and filled with some things?
* Syu
* Touch
* Other Linux type mappings?